Opioid Agonist Therapy

for patient who have developed Opioid use disorder

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How does the “REGAIN” Treatment Program Run?

The Team

A multi-disciplinary team consisting of a Pain Specialist, Pain Psychologist and Pain Physiotherapist will conduct the “REGAIN” program.

Home Practice

Home practice is an integral part of learning coping skills and tasks are set for participants to practice in between sessions.

Group Sessions

A follow-up group session will be conducted 4 to 6 weeks after the end of the program to review progress and to assist in maintaining changes.


Patients with a work related or compensational condition are encouraged to have a close liaison between their rehabilitation providers and the “REGAIN” clinicians to co-ordinate their return to work plans.

Aims of “REGAIN”

“REGAIN” does not aim to “fix or “cure” the individual’s pain, but rather to teach individuals how to feel more in control of their situation.

Who is REGAIN For?​

Participants must be willing to accept that daily activities will not make pain worse, attend all sessions and be willing to accept the goals of the program.

Get in touch with our friendly and dedicated team.

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Contact Infomation Changed

Our contact information has been updated.

You can reach us at our new phone number 02 9128 2299

or via fax at 02 9128 2282.

For email correspondence, please contact us at regain@advancedspinepainrehab.com.au.